Just 40km south-west of Rockhampton, Mt Morgan is an integral part of our region's history.
Mined for nearly 100 years, the city's mine sites yielded 247,000kg of gold, 40,000kg of silver and 360,000 tonnes of copper
- a rich haul indeed!
The site of this open cut gold mine is part of an historical tour of the town which includes man-made caves.
In 1954 formations of the ceiling of these caves were analysed, and found to be 150 million year of dinosaur footprints.
Certainly something worth seeing.
While in the town you can visit the Mt Morgan Railway Station, which was established in 1898 and continued operating
for 90 years. Today it is a tourist information centre and the site for monthly markets which attract stall holders and
exhibitors from throughout the area.
The historic museum has a collection of memorabilia which gives an insight to the early years of this mining town.

There are also hundreds of photographs on hand which depict the boom and bust periods the people of Mt Morgan
have experienced. Nature lovers will enjoy a guided bushwalk. Visitors can view the mine
and Tipperary Point, then on to the swinging bridge, one of only two remaining in this state.
Mt Morgan may not be large, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in heart and you only need stop and say hello
to a resident to find this out.