Barcaldine Attractions :: Barcaldine
Regional History
Barcaldine Industry :: Barcaldine
General Information
Workers Heritage Center
The average annual rainfall for Barcaldine is approximately 450mm. Traditionally, the summer months are recognised
as being the wet season for the area however, winter rain can be experienced.
Temperatures range from 0 degrees to 42 degrees Celsius in summer. On occasions, extreme temperatures can be experienced for
weeks at a time.

Barcaldine is extremely fortunate in being sited on top of reliable artesian aquifers which supply large volumes
of excellent quality potable water to the town.
The Barcaldine Shire Council has recently upgraded the existing reticulation system to improve the yield and storage capacity
from the town bores.

Many residence take advantage of the rich red loamy soil the Barcaldine has been built upon. This type of soil
coupled with the quality water that is available are great assets to the budding gardener. Due to this Barcaldine is recognised
as "The Garden City of the West".
The rich red loamy soil to the east of the town, referred to by locals as desert country, is semi timbered type country
supporting spinifex pasture and many native and introduced grasses. To the west the country changes to open black soil
Mitchell grass downs country, which extends for many hundreds of kilometres.
The varying types of country support many species of native wildlife.